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Importer, Wholesaler, Winery
Gumtree Vineyards Inc

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Producer, importer and wholesaler of Australian wines. Export markets include China, Vietnam, Thailand and USA. Fully licensed in California, Victoria, Hong Kong and Sichuan. Private label and buyers brand available. House ranges: Premium Shiraz and Sangiovese. Entry Shiraz, Cabernet and Pinot Gris. Other varietals and ranges available.
Products:Wine: Blue Pyrennees, Vic, South East Australia. Premium Shiraz, Sangiovese. Entry Shiraz, Cabernet and Pinot Gris
Product Origins:Australia: Victoria
Main Brands: Long Story, Runaway Convict
USA (primarily CA, NY and FL), China (primarily Sichuan and Chongqing), Vietnam and Thailand.
Seeking: New wholesale contacts, new retail contacts, new private label and buyers-brand contacts.