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Highland liquors (p) ltd.
Founded in: 2012
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We are a recently setup liquor import house by the name of HIGHLAND LIQUORS in India looking to import all premium brands of alcohol (scotch, beer, vodka, RTD, etc.) to India from across the world.
Products:Wine: Jackob's Creek- Cabernet Shiraz Chardonnay Champagne- Moet and Chandon Dom Perignon Veuve Clicquot Laurent Perrier
Beer: American Light Lager, Beer
Spirits: Bombay sapphire, Cognac, Gin, Liquors, Rum, Scotch, Sherry, Single Malt, Tequila, Vermouth, Vodka, Whisky
Main Brands: absolut, Amstel, Ballantine, Chivas Regal, Finland, Finlandia, Glenfidich, Glenlivet, Grey Goose, Hanessey, Heineken, J & B, jack daniels, Jameson, Jim Beam, Johny Walker, Malibu, Royal Salute, Sky Vodka, Smirnoff, Stolichanaya, Tanqeuary, Teachers
Indian Market as a whole.
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:50 to 99