Pedro, a world traveler per excellence, founded Protecom in 2000, has focused on
wines from Spain and South America. The company was established because Mr.
Valdes wanted all wine connoisseurs to experience the same enjoyment of South
American and Spanish wines as he does. Wine drinking has quickly gained
popularity within the United States over the past decade. There is an endless array
of choices on the market for those just learning about wine and for those who have
been long-time wine lovers.
Pedro’s Wine Collection is licensed for importing into the United States and for
distribution in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. With our great product
selection and highly personalized service, a bottle of Pedro’s wine is an outstanding
addition to any wine cellar
Product Origins:
Argentina: Mendoza Chile Spain
Main Brands:
Distribution Territories:
looking for wines from California....paso robles, napa sonoma
washington st.