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Negotiant / Exporter
B&S Wine
Founded in: 2009
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B&S Wine is an Import, Export and Consulting company established in Mougins in the south of France. We are representing various winemakers from all the regions of France and offer the facility to combine different order and style while exporting.
Products:Wine: Still Wines: - white - Rosé (pink) - Red - Sweet Sparkling Wines
Product Origins:France
Main Brands: Champagne Janisson ( Champagne, Chateau Lamartine ( Bordeaux), Chateau les Ormes de Lagrange, Domaine Cauvard ( Burgundy), Domaine Chavy ( Burgundy), Domaine de Pregentière ( South, Domaine des Pialons (Rhone), Domaine Jean- Max Roger (Loire, Domaine UBY (South West), Vignoble Garzaro (Bordeaux)
- Cover: Present in 14 countries since our opening in 2009. - Major markets abroad: Indian Ocean, Middle East, Burma, Philippines. - Main target international: professional market (chains of luxury hotels, importers, distributors ...) -Other market: individuals for domestic and European markets.
Seeking: - Extending export worldwide
Annual Sales:Less than $1 million
# of Employees:1 to 4