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Importer, Wholesaler
Sunnyside Services, Inc.
Founded in: 2009
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Importer of Casta Negra Tequila and Berrinche Tequila (Award winning 100% de Agave Azul Spirits from the Highlands of Jalisco, MX). Private Label Supplier of Agave Spirits
Products:Spirits: Tequila
Product Origins:Mexico
United States: California
Main Brands: Casta Negra Tequila, El Berrinche Tequila
United States and Internationally
Seeking: Distribution channels for high price/value lines of 100% de agave tequila. Also Private label clients seeking a U.S. licensed importer who can complete the label approval process and arrange for import transportation, customs clearance and warehouse storage and distribution.
Targeting: Canada, Chile, China, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Russia, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:1 to 4