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taly exports many products; in the last decades, Italian homemade products have had strong success in international markets. In fact now seeing the words "Made in Italy" one can identify productions that are high quality , exclusivity and attention to details, but despite this Italian products are not always present and well represented world wide. Although a lot of small Italian companies produce high quality goods, potentially saleable in many world markets, however they don''t export their
Products:Wine: red and white Italian wine
Product Origins:Italy
Main Brands: Basilisco Aglianico, Cardogneto Aglianico, Cardogneto Fiano, FIANO, Iacco aglianico, Irpinia rosso doc, Pampanella Falanghina, Teodosio Aglianico del vulture, Terra del varo Aglianico, Tirso rosso sup. doc
China, Canada, Usa, India, Arabian emirates, europe, Africa, south and central America