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Winery, Negotiant / Exporter
Fanny Kolaki

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Being a winemaker myself, i am furthermore responsible for the wine export of Greek wines, which are currently searching for new importers in USA. Coming from a country that has more than 3500 years of wine history and 200 autochthones varieties, our wines have nothing to be jealous. According to Mr.Frost, a very well-known sommelier and master of wine, Greece has very qualitative wines that will be very well known in just a small period of time..Moreover, according to Mr.Olson, a very well-known sommelier and ambassador of the Greek wines in the USA, the biggest restaurants in New York and Chicago are using Greek wines in their wine lists, because of their high quality and rich aromas. This is the reason why, in an attempt to find new, competent importers in USA, I decided to enroll in IBN.
Targeting: United States