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Magistravini srl

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Magistravini is a network of wineries, producing top wines, restoring the flavour of the land, the history, identity and know-how of territories that have been devoted to wine production for centuries. Magistravini has products from Apulia such as Primitivo IGT and DOC,Negroamaro IGT, Salice Salentino DOC, Chardonnay IGT,Fiano IGT, Rose DOC and from Campania such as Fiano di Avellino DOCG, Greco di Tufo DOCG, Falanghina IGT and DOC, Aglianico DOC, Taurasi DOCG.
Products:Wine: Puglia Bianco Fiano IGT Negroamaro Rosato DOC Nero di Troia IGT Lizzano Rosso Negroamaro DOC Negroamaro IGT Salento Primitivo di Manduria DOC Primitivo Salento IGT Salice Salentino DOC Beneventano Falanghina IGT Fiano di Avellino DOCG Greco di Tufo DOCG Suavemente IGT Irpinia Aglianico DOC Taurasi DOCG Taurasi Riserva DOCG
Product Origins:Italy: Campania
Main Brands: Antica Masseria del Sigillo, Sanpaolo, Tenute Eméra
At the moment we distribute our products in: Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria,Belgium, US