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Agent / Broker
Bridal Veil Winery
Founded in: 2011
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Bridal Veil Winery is located in Bridal Veil, Oregon along the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. Our target demographic is weddings and anniversaries. Currently, we sell specialty gift packages to Brides and other wedding based businesses. We will soon be launching our website to sell online. Bridal Veil Winery is looking for vinyards and wineries who will sell us back label wine only. We will put our front label on the wine but we''ll also aknowledge what winery or vinyard the wine came from. Thank you for your interest in Bridal Veil Winery. Sincerely, Mark and Kristi Gonzalez.
Products:Wine: Pinot Gris Pinot Noir
Product Origins:United States: Oregon