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Importer, Wholesaler
K&K export-import
Founded in: 1991
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Import of branded goods, quality of services, increasing the volume of supplies - pillars which is superimposed the success of K & K EXPORT-IMPORT-based Martine.Its scope of the Slovak market is dated from 1991. During its tenure, the company has gradually refined the trading spirit drinks in the Czech producers to widen the range of products from, Hungary, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands, France and Russia. Preferring a stable supplier-customer relationship is reflected in the provision of price discounts to customers with good payment practice
Products:Wine: Rum Whisky
Spirits: Calvados, Cognac, Giffts, Liquers, Vodka
Product Origins:Argentina: La Rioja
France: Bordeaux
Italy: Campania
Spain: Catalonia