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Sidaarth Dhanu Enterprise
Founded in: 2004
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At SDE( Sidaarth Dhanu Enterprise) we own licenses to manufacture, sell and market all types of alcoholic beverages. Currently we are making our wines as well as IMFL ( indian made foreign liquor). SDE is limited by concern and under its banner has several concerns of business. ranging from alcohol to fresh foods import and exports.
Products:Wine: Red, White in general. ranging from Shiraz, Cabernet in red to Sauvignon And a Chenin Blanc.
Beer: Beer, Draught Beers
Spirits: Gin, Rum, Scotch, Sherry, Vodka, Whisky
Product Origins:Argentina
Main Brands: Sigma: red and White, wine: Naya Red and White.
Currently we are exporting from india to Italy, Singapore and Dubai. To africa routed via dubai.
Seeking: I am looking to expand my business to new regions. I am looking to expand my export business. At the same time I am looking to import new brands as well. I have a huge customer base in India ranging from Star Hotels, restaurants and retail outlets.
# of Employees:20 to 49