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Importer, Wholesaler
Vesuvio Trading Import & Export LLC
Founded in: 2008
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Our Company is specialized in import and export. Our focus is to import high quality wines and liquors from Italy.
Products:Beer: Beer, Mandarinetto, Passito, Sambuca and many other
Spirits: Acquavite, Brandy, cream liquors, Grappa, LIMONCELLO, Liquors, Maraschino, Marsala, Pure alcohol, Rosolio, Rum, Sherry, Vermouth
Product Origins:Italy
Main Brands: Cantina Sociale di Solopaca, Cantine Anonio Mazzella, CANTINE RUSSO, Distilleria Russo, Ferreri & Bianco, Fondo Antico, Malena, Masseria Parisi, Santa Ninfa and many others, Verum vini