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Founded in: 1974
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Since 1974 a history of work, dedication and passion that is exported to the world in glass bottles. Don Anselmo created this traditional TEQUILA 36 years ago, now that knowledge belongs to his grand son who keeps the passion and love for all the 100% Tequilas; Don Anselmo, La tarea, Pial and Chulavista.
Products:Spirits: Tequila
Product Origins:Mexico
Main Brands: Chulavista, Don Anselmo, El Pial, La Tarea
I sell to USA, My brands had different profile for each market.
Seeking: Im looking for a partnership who help us to open the world eyes to the Tequila and tequila culture by our 100% agave tequilas. Making of this a big business
Targeting: Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States