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Agent / Broker, Negotiant / Exporter
Black Labels GmbH

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We are specialized in the distribution of unique high quality food products as well as unique spirits. For our products we are searching for importers and distributors in all countries around the globe. Please contact us when you are interested in importing highend products into your country.
Products:Spirits: Liquors
Product Origins:Germany
Main Brands: Absacker of Germany Black Labe, Absacker of Germany Gold Label, Rats of Berlin
These two new products are new on the market and up to now only available in Germany. One is a herbal liquor with notes of Jalapeno, Coriander, sage, orange, lemonskin and more, One is a clear spiritous with notes of Rosewater, Cocoa beans and more
Seeking: We are searching for Beverage/Spirits distributors in all countries.