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Founded in: 1890
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JGC is the 2nd largest winery in Europe and the 6th worldwide, and the 5fth Worlwide Juice producer. Our company operates in more than 130 countries and has presence in all distribution channels. JGC is mainly owned by the family Garcia Carrion, that has been more than 120 years in the wine business. Year 2009 we had total turnover the 720 milion € and a total production of 780 milion liters. We have approximately 680 employees in total.
Products:Wine: rueda, valdepeñas, cava, penedes, rioja, ribera del duero, rioja
Spirits: Brandy
Product Origins:Spain
Main Brands: Antaño, Cristalino sparkling wine, Don Luciano, Don simon, Viña Arnaiz
all around the world more than 145 countries
Seeking: distributors & Importers in Kenya
Targeting: Kenya
Annual Sales:Several billion
Annual Production:800 milion lts