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Tera y Castro

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We are a smaller, family run business that produces wine from the Rueda and Toro regions of Spain. We currently produce a young verdejo wine, Pentio Verdejo, a verdejo that is fermented for 8 months in French oak barrels, Dilectum, and two red wines, our Pentio Roble and our Pentio Crianza. We are currently seeking importers, distributors, wholesalers, and/or agents.
Products:Wine: Dilectum, Pentio Verdejo, Libetum - 100 % Verdejo D.O. Rueda Pentio Roble and Pentio Crianza - 100 % Tinta de Toro D.O. Toro Eilun - 100 % Gewürztraminer -vino de tierra de Castilla y Leon
Product Origins:Spain
Main Brands: DILECTUM, Pentio Verdejo
Currently we distribute our products in Spain, Belgium, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
Targeting: Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States