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Importer, Wholesaler, Negotiant / Exporter
Schieder Ibéria,Lda

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We are a german company representing our products over the iberian plateau, Spain Portugal Gibraltar Canarian Islands and also Angola. We do sell our new redwine label Putaoya with the aim to achieve de chinese market. We know that portuguese wine is by far not so known as the chile wine australian or italian wine. Thats why we have much more effort in penetrating the chinese market.We already have agents in China looking for some wholesalers or restaurants that could be interested in our wine. It is a low price wine with a very good quality and it should hang on with all the other international wines easily. I hope we can achieve something and your help could be decisive. Kind Regards
Products:Wine: Redwine
Main Brands: Putaoya, Portugal
We are trying to penetrate the chinese market.