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Agent / Broker, Negotiant / Exporter
Pasion Marketing Associates LLC
Founded in: 2009
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Tequila Pasion Is.,. An Innovative product. Original by design. Exclusive in nature. The only pink tequila approved by the CRT in the Blanco category. Pioneering new markets for those who want something discriminating,innovative and with its own identity. A brand name that brings authenticity to those who search for something new and different. A selection that includes our traditional Blanco, Reposado and Anejo
Products:Spirits: Tequila
Product Origins:Mexico
Main Brands: anejo, blanco, Blanco Rosa, reposado, Tequila Pasion
California, Nevada, soon the rest of the U.S. and the world.
Seeking: Distributors seeking a new revenue stream by adding our top shelf Tequilas to thier product line, featuring our unique Pink Tequila, given its own category by the CRT the governing body in Mexico that regulates all Tequila, Blanco Rosa.
# of Employees:5 to 9