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Importer, Wholesaler
GI Group USA, inc

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Beer: Starz Beer. Wine: Le Chevalier Saint Georges. Starz Beer is brewed in one of the largest and oldest continually operating breweries in the United states. Starz beer is fully Kraeusened to produce carbonation naturally for a clean smooth taste. Starz Beer has a catchy unique look that separates it from the other beers. We can Package It in any way that suites your needs. Also Our Winery in San Martin , California produce our wine Le Chevalier Saint Georges ( Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay). The winery crafts a superior crop of wine grapes, starting with a skilled selections, rootstock, and clonal verietals. The full-flavored Cabernet Sauvignon has a hint of cherry and fig, and a perfect balance of tannins. The flavored Chardonnay has a hint of vanilla, oak and a fruity bouquet.
Products:Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon Chardonnay
Beer: Beer
Product Origins:United States: California, Other States
Main Brands: Le Chevalier St. Georges, Starz Beer
California Arizona Navada
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:10 to 19