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Importer, Wholesaler
Dolce Beverage Group, LLC.,
Founded in: 2008
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Exclusive Importer on behalf of Global Brands, Ltd., for the United States and Mexico. Portfolio includes KICK Energy Drink, KICK Ultra, Amigos Beer, VK - Vodka Kick, VK - Mojito, Vodka Pure.
Products:Beer: Amigos Tequila Flavored, Beer
Spirits: KICK Energy Drink, KICK Ultra Energy Shot, Rum, Vodka
Product Origins:United Kingdom
Main Brands: Amigos Beer, Corkys Vodka Shots, VK Apple, VK Ice, VK Mojito (Rum), VK Orange, VK Pure Vodka, VK Tropical, VK Vodka Kick Blue
Mexico and United States
Seeking: Seeking Distribution Partners in Mexico and the US
# of Employees:10 to 19