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Importer, Wholesaler, Distillery, Brewery, Bottlers
Al Ahram Beverages Company
Founded in: 1897
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After becoming the most successful and leading alcoholic beverages company in Egypt, ABC decided to extend its products to new horizons and began developing solid export sales since 2003. Due to its location, ABC has access to both Mediterranean and red seas ports, providing ocean freight services to markets all over the world.
Products:Wine: All
Beer: Beer, Lager, RTD, Weisse and Weizen
Spirits: Brandy, Gin, Rum, Vodka, Whisky
Main Brands: Auld Stag Whisky, Butler's Gin, Cubana Rim, Dinsmore Brandy, Heineken, ID Vodka, Malvado, Meister, Sakara, Stella
Seeking: Agents.
# of Employees:Over 1,000