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Global Import Export Srl

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The Global import export Srl is a dynamic new company that has started operating in the field of import/export to and from Sardinia. It manages the commercialization and distribution of various products to local, domestic and international areas. Our company works directly through authorization of its business partners and plans a marketing strategy which searches for various companies interested in the offer. The Global Srl concentrates much of its energy on selling high quality products at wholesale prices.
Products:Wine: Sardinian red/white Wine; Sardinian Cannonau DOC, Vermentino DOC; Sardinian Red/White Wine IGT; Malvasia di Bosa.
Product Origins:France: Alsace
Italy : Sardinia
Main Brands: Alberto Loi - Cardedu, Carlo Tramaloni - Mamoiada, Ferruccio Deiana - Cagliari, Silattari - Bosa
We make a business In Sardinia,Italy e Belgium
Seeking: We would like to attract others buyers.