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Founded in: 2009
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Petrus USA was formed to bring our great Ukranian vodka to the U.S. We have been in business since 1998 and we currently have five distilleries in the Ukraine. We export to 22 different countries and want the U.S to be the 23rd. We believe we have products to fit in every market and price point. We produce vodka, brandy and other cordials. Please give us a call.
Products:Spirits: Vodka
Product Origins:Ukraine
Main Brands: Chekushka Vodka, Gorilachka Vodka, Grafskiy Brandy, Status Vodka, Zlatogor Vodka
We are currently in 22 countries worldwide and wish to enter the United States.
Seeking: We are looking for wholesalers to distribute our procucts in their markets.
Targeting: Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ukraine, United States
Annual Sales:Over $500 million
Annual Production:800,000 cases
# of Employees:Over 1,000