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Importer, Wholesaler
Knauth & Visser LLC

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Importing quality and affordable South African wine. New vineyards to the American market.
Product Origins:South Africa
Main Brands: 3000 BC Wines, A. A. Badenhorst, Cape View, Chamonix Wine Estate, Diemersdal Wine Estate, Grangehurst Wine Estate, Haute Cabriere, Kaapzicht Wine Estate, Klein Genot Vineyards, Miles Mossop, Peter Falke Wines, Pierre Jourdan, Sterhuis Vineyards
Our warehouse is located in Branford CT. We distribute our products in the state of CT. Our products retail for $8.99 to $29.99
Seeking: We are looking to sell our products to distributors in other states. We strive not only to supply quality South Africa wines at an affordable price, but to provide superior customer satisfaction and an education and awareness of South Africa.