Small agricultural domain of 49,4 acres located in the south of France, in the middle Var not far away from Lorgues. We produce wines, olive oil, and truffles.
The mother : Anne-Marie and her daughter : Nathalie. Both look after the vineyard assisted by an agricultural worker and an oenologist.
We have adopted the Var since more than 20 years. At the origins, there was the Bastide, then the Clos, the vineyard was always cultivated, but it was first an holiday place.
Since 1998 we are fully engaged in production of the wine, the olive oil as well as a range of delicatessen.
The wine : A côtes de Provence Rosé and Red, and some wine of Pays du Var.
The truffles : fresh during season
The olive oil : extra virgin
The bed and breakfast : pleasure to welcome you
Wine: côtes de Provence
vin de pays du var
Product Origins:
France: Provence/Corsica
Main Brands:
"cuvée Ubu", "Grand Clos" rosé, "grand clos" rouge, "p'tite Nine", "Vieux Carignan"
Distribution Territories:
to retailers-restaurants in france, europe, japan, usa