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Winery, Grower
Founded in: 2004
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Anne de Joyeuse is the french leader for sustainable wines; All wines are certified Protect Planet by veritas International Bureau. We do have nice review by the Wine Spectatot and Wine Enthusiast as well. We have the reputation to produce better varietals than what is usually found coming from France.
Products:Wine: Pinot Noir Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc Malbec Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Syrah Pinot Rosé
Product Origins:France: Languedoc Roussillon
Main Brands: Bo Vin, Camas, Caminières, La Butinière
All retworks except supermarket chains
Seeking: Serious importers for developping a long term partnership with quality sustainable wines
Targeting: United States
Annual Sales:$31 million - $50 million
Annual Production:30 millions litres
# of Employees:20 to 49