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Vitebsk Alcoholic Beverages Company

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The official name of the enterprise — The Republican Unitary Enterprise "Vitebsk Alcoholic Beverages Factory", incorporating the branch office "Bogushevsk Alcohol Plant". The Republican Unitary Enterprise "Vitebsk Alcoholic Beverages Factory" is subordinate to the Belarusian State Concern "Belgospishcheprom". Foundation date — 1898. Goods produced * Vodka * Special vodka * Bitter nastoyka * Strong liqueur * Emulsion liqueur * Non — alcoholic drincs * Gin * Balsam * Cognac
Products:Spirits: Vodka
Product Origins:Belarus
Main Brands: "Derzhava", "Luty", "Northern Province" classical
Middle East, Asia, North/South America
Seeking: Wholesale Trade importers, Wholesale Network representatives, Duty Free Network representatives.