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Agent / Broker, Negotiant / Exporter
Cape Wine Match
Founded in: 2008
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Cape Wine Match is the essential link between a portfolio of carefully selected wines from diverse regions in South Africa and vibrant markets in North & South America and the Caribbean. Market knowledge, product backup and brand positioning form part of our commitment to service excellence. Cape Wine Match – matching people, wine & markets
Products:Wine: All Varieties
Main Brands: Annandale Vintners &Distillers, Beyerskloof, Elgin Vintners, Fryer's Cove, Juno, Lammershoek, Meerendal, Muratie, Org De Rac & Lords - Organic, Stellenbosch Hills & Du Von
Latin America Caribbean North America including Canada
Seeking: Importer & Distributors & Agents for above markets