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Nugan Estate
Founded in: 1999
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Producer and Exporter of Australian Wines with family owned vineyards in McLarenvale SA, King Valley Vic, Riverina NSW and contracts in Coonawarra SA.We are a family owned winery with large capacity and highly acclaimed and awarded wines.
Products:Wine: Cab/Sav, Shiraz, Merlot,Sangiovese, Red Bleands, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Durif ,Semillon, Botrytis Semillon,Riverina,King Valley, McLaren Vale, Coonawarra
Product Origins:Australia: New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria
Main Brands: 3rd Generation, Cookoothama, Coonawarra Alcira Cab/Sav, KV Frrasca's Lane Chardonnay, Manuka Grove Durif, McLarenvale Parish Shiraz, Vision Wines, Wally's Hut
Major markets - Irleand, Denmark, Canada, USA, China