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Importer, Wholesaler
Founded in: 2008
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HEDGEROW is the first Americanized brand of modern style White Japanese Shochu. It is a clear, 70 proof spirit distilled from sugar cane in Kobe, Japan that has a smell and taste similar to premium vodkas, while being less harsh on the palette, easier to blend, and containing less calories. It has consistently outsold sake in Japan for years, and is quickly becoming the biggest drink and party spirit in the Asian marketplace.
Products:Spirits: Shochu
Product Origins:Japan
Main Brands: HEDGEROW
Hollywood & Los Angeles elite nightclubs, bars and restaurants.
Seeking: We are looking for a larger-scale distribution company to take over our established accounts and increase our bandwidth for adding new venues and retailers so we can focus on marketing and product traction while someone else takes care of delivery.