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Importer, Wholesaler, Winery, Agent / Broker
Founded in: 2006
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We are a 65 year old family owned international wine company that focuses on brands which are capable of exceeding market needs. Our strategy is guided by the highest corporate ethical standard, as well as by those values that have prevailed throughout our history: a long-term vision, based not only on the quality of the wines but also on the importance of the novelty of brands as well as on product presentation, consumer education and marketing support. We owns wineries in Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Chile and New Zealand, owning over a 1.300 hectares of vineyards. Most of our wines are regular award winners in international competitions, getting also strong reviews in publications like WINE SPECTATOR or DECANTER, giving our partners the quality assurance and confidence needed to succeed in the market. Besides this, our company is also ISO certified, guiding all production activities through the highest standards in this industry.
Products:Wine: Wine
Targeting: Hong Kong