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Agent / Broker
Sam Distributors
Founded in: 2008
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This division of the company represents two beverage products. The Ultimate Sex Shot is the first pasteurized liquid aphrodisiac drink on the market. We have major liquor distributors here in Texas picking up the drink because it mixes well with alcohol. It comes in gourmet chocolate cherry! The second drink was created from the first. It is called: Chocolate Extremo. It is an energy drink without caffeine and contains gourmet chocolate. It too mixes well with alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks.
Products:Beer: Non-Alcoholic
Product Origins:United States: Other States
Main Brands: Chocolate Extremo, The Ultimate Sex Shot
Major Liquor Distributors, Supermarkets, C-Stores and Adult Industry.
Seeking: For consideration for product inclusion as our products mix well with alcohol.
Annual Sales:Less than $1 million
# of Employees:5 to 9