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Omni International Beverages
Founded in: 2008
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Omni International Beverages is a Houston based company whose main focus is to import and wholesale quality imported beer and wine from various places throughout the world. We take pride in offering a variety of services that set us apart from other importers and wholesalers. As you strive to grow your business, I hope you will consider us a vital element in driving business into your accounts with our quality imports. It is our honor to bring you pieces of the world we know home to the world you know.
Products:Wine: Pinot Noir Cabernet Sauvignon Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay Rose Merlot Tempranillo Cabernet Franc Marsecco Prosecco
Beer: Ale, American Light Lager, Beer, Blonde or Golden Ale, Lager, Pale Ale, Pilsner, Stout
Spirits: Gin, Jackson Hole Sodas, Kow-a-bunga Energy Drink, Liquors, Organic Gin, Organic Vodka, Spiced Rum, Vodka, Whisky
Product Origins:France
United Kingdom
United States
Main Brands: Alaskan, Canyon Wind, Castle of Dracula, Crusoe Rum, Fruit Lab, Jackson Hole, Kow-a-Bunga Energy, Modern Spirits, Southern Star, TRU
Throughout Texas and the USA.
Seeking: OMNI is looking for distributors outside of Texas that want to bring our products into their state. OMNI will work with each supplier to get registration for those interested.
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:5 to 9