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Vipa Bulk Wines Ltd.

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We are providers of Bulk wines for bottling, labelled and unlabelled wines. There are a number of options to explore: 1) "Mix-&-match" batches, of bottled wines which are bin-ends, overruns etc. and this we normally make available to corporates or traders who are looking for "once off" deals (parties, conferences, events, in-house use). We often get bulk wines, in tanktainers, offered for blending or bottling in country of destination. 2) We have exclusivity agreements with producers into countries where they are not currently represented. 3) We also work together with a company who sells water and fruit juices, together with their own portfolio of wines from different price levels and merely act as a facilitator for them. We never compromise our quality, apply strict quality control and inspect all our wine supplies prior to shipment. We also have an interesting product dubbed the "anti-dote to alcohol" available.