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Importer, Wholesaler, Agent / Broker, Retailer, Negotiant / Exporter
Brandimport , Lda.
Founded in: 1963
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Well established company for over 40 years, distributing wines, spirits, beer and other beverages. Distributor for Coca-Cola group products for the Madeiran market place.
Product Origins:Portugal
Main Brands: Aliança Vinhos de Portugal, SA, Bacalhôa Vinhos de Portugal SA, Encosta do Sobral,, Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, José Maria da Fonseca, Quinta de Cabriz, Quinta do Carmo, Quinta do Cotto, Quinta do Mouro, Roquevale
Madeira and International Exports
Seeking: Looking for the right partners to export and launch Portuguese products which include alcoholic beverages, food and olive oil.