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Founded in: 2002
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Our wines get ratings always above 90 points (wine advocate,/ wine spectator./ wine enthusiast ) Our Products are Brunello di Montalcino docg -rosso di montalcino doc - Unus Solus a blend of merlot cabernet and sangiovese and Dragone a powerful cabernet of more than 14 alc by vol. we work on exclusive distributive agreements and we are not present at the moment in your area our production is about 10000 cases per annum with prices from 4 to 13 euros per bottle fob gross of discounts.
Products:Wine: 1)BRUNELLO di MONTALCINO d.o.c.g. 100% sangiovese. 2)ROSSO di MONTALCINO d.o.c. 3)Unus Solus i.g.t. (blend of sangiovese , merlot &cabernet and sangiovese aged min one year in 6 hl tonneaux)
Beer: tuscanico i.g.t 2007
Spirits: brunello di montalcino2003, rosso di montalcino 2006, rosso di montalcino 2007
Product Origins:Italy: Tuscany
Main Brands: Brunello di Montalcino, domusvitae, DRAGONE, Rosso di Montalcino, UNUS SOLUS
we are mainly distributing in europe. switzerland is our major market
Seeking: we want to enter in new markets with long term partnership we usually work with exclusive agreements with importers/distributors on regional basis
Targeting: Greenland