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Home of Origin Wine (Pty) Ltd
Founded in: 2002
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Origin Wine, one of South Africa’s top 5 exporters of South African Wine, exporting roughly 45 million liters. Our roots are firmly planted in South Africa (Stellenbosch, Cape Town) where we have a history of providing the export market with large volumes of the very best of South African Wine, of many varietals. We currently export wine to the UK, Russia, China, Denmark, Finland, Holland and Germany to name but a few. For more information please visit our website at www.originwine.co.za. We have built up a great reputation worldwide by maintaining the high standards and continue to deliver to a list of satisfied customers. We provide our clients with not only bottled products but bulk wine too. Please note that we are among the most competitively priced suppliers. Our goal is to develop long term, mutually beneficial relationships with key, like-minded individuals, appealing to the same market.
Products:Wine: Sauvignon blanc Chardonnay Chenin Blanc White Wine blends Rose Merlot Shiraz Pinotage Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine Blends
Product Origins:South Africa
Main Brands: African Horizon, Cape Organic, Fairhills, Makana, Rocktail Bay, South Point, Stellenbosch Drive, Stormhoek, Wildlife
We offer a entry to mid level wines mainly exporting to China, Russia, UK, Netherlands
Seeking: We are looking for high volume wine importers, in various countries.