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Importer, Wholesaler
Liquor Group Wholesale, Inc.
Founded in: 2001
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Liquor Group Wholesale is an emerging liquor and wine distribution company representing more than 1700 spirits and wine products with operations in 31 US States. Our company is focused on providing a distribution channel for Mid-Market, Nationally and Internationally recognized alcohol beverage products. Liquor Group Wholesale is publicly traded under the symbol LIQR. Information on Liquor Group Wholesale’s financials and business operations is available on our website at www.LiquorGroup.com or at www.SEC.gov
Products:Spirits: Bourbon, Brandy, Cachaca, Cognac, Cordial, Eau de Vie, Gin, Grappa, Kirsch, Liquors, Rum, Scotch, Single Malt, Tequila