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Importer, Wholesaler
Sarmento's Imports
Founded in: 1986
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Importer and Distributor specializing in Portugal - Brazil - and Cape Verde. Importing Brandies - Cordials - Ports- Wines- Cachacas - Looking for distributors in certain States call for details.
Products:Wine: douro - Dao - alentejano - Vnho Verde - Brazilian wines
Spirits: Cachaca, Cordial, Grappa, Liquors, Porto, Ports, Vodka
Product Origins:Portugal
Main Brands: Brandymel, Cachaca 21, Jamel cachacas, Mioranza, Pavao, Santa Marta, Santo Antao, UDACA, Vice Rei, Villa Velha
Distribution in Massachusetts .
Seeking: Looking for out of State Distributors
Annual Sales:$1 million - $5 million
# of Employees:10 to 19