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Volcano Winery

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Volcano Winery is located on the Big Island of Hawaii. We sell approximately 72,000 bottles annually. Other than selling wine through our tasting room we have a distributor that covers the entire Hawaiian Island chain. We also sell thousands of bottles directly to mainland customers through our website and phone sales. We are a small winery that specializes in unique wines that are blended with grapes and various ingredients grown or produced on the Big Island.
Products:Wine: We have six wines: two white (Symphony Dry and Symphony Mele, which is sweeter)made from symphony grapes, Volcano Red, is blended with a homegrown berry called jaboticaba, Volcano Blush is a blend from chablis and the jaboticaba, Hawaiian Guava-Grape Wine, made from homegrown guava and the chablis, and our signature Macadamia Nut Honey Wine made from honey produced on the Big Island.
Product Origins:United States
Main Brands: Hawaiian Guava-Grape Wine, Macadamia Nut Honey Wine, Symphony Dry, Symphony Mele, Volcano Blush, Volcano Red
We have a distributor who carries us across the entire Hawaiian Island chain. We also sell wine through our website by phone, usually repeat customers who tried our wine at our onsite tasting room.
Seeking: Volcano Winery is looking for distributors to carry our products on the mainland of the United States.